What I want to be when I grow up

I want to be a Major League Baseball Player and I want to play for the Atlanta Braves or the Brooklyn Dodgers. The reason I want to be a Baseball Player is because I have dedicated my life to baseball and it is really fun. You know they always say, “If you have fun at your job you never work a day of your life”. Money is easy to make in the Major Leagues ,an average rate for one year is 3.39 million! It would involve keeping up my grades and practicing 24/7. I would need to give it my all to be a Major League Baseball Player! My specialty is being an outfielder or 2nd baseman. Being a Major League Baseball is my dream job.

My learning style

I learn better when its visual it helps me with my grades an example of a visual question is ” if you like information written down on a board, in a book, or on a piece of paper.If you learn better that way then you probably are a visual learner.

All About Me

Hi I’m Logan, and I go to to Bremen Middle School.  I am 11 years old. I like watermelon, baseball, and Auburn. I like to hunt sometimes. I have a lot of hobbies. I like the Atlanta Braves. I also have a 13 year old brother that I look up to.